Early in the Fall of 2019, I met with the director at Broadneck Elementary School to discuss the many things we could do for the Spring show, Lion King Kids. Pride Rock was a must-have. Some pieces for the Elephant Graveyard would add atmosphere to the number “Be Prepared.” Then we started talking about the procession of animals at the beginning of the show. Gazelles that some kids could wear and make “jump” were a good addition. Then we laughed about needing an elephant and maybe a pair of giraffes but decided against it. Later that night, I jokingly told my friend Mike that I signed him up to build a full-sized elephant. “No problem,” he replied. Didn’t even hesitate. That’s when we decided to really go for it. When trying to figure out how big to make the elephant, I said, ” I don’t know how big I want it, but I know it should be ‘holy sh*t’ sized.” (As in, that’s what people would say when they saw it.)
With plans in place, we got to work in the Fall of 2019. Mike started on the elephant and two giraffes and got the bases, legs, and body frames built. I got the gazelles, Pride Rock, and the Elephant Graveyard bones done and delivered. I had the pieces for the sunrise cut. And then COVID hit….
Of course, the show was postponed. During the wait, Mike and his wife retired and moved out of state. Everything he was working on was put into storage. As the months rolled by and I wasn’t working on any projects, I decided to finish up the elephant and giraffes. We weren’t sure when the show would go on, but I figured everything might as well be ready to go rather than rush at the last minute. With the elephant planned at 10 feet tall and the giraffes expected at 14 feet tall, we decided one of each was plenty. Along the way, there were plenty of adjustments, so the extra time came in handy.
When the show finally did go on in the Spring of 2022, it was spectacular (with the emphasis on ‘spectacle’). Mike was able to come back to see the show and I got my planned elephant reaction. Apparently, word got around the area schools and all of the set pieces and animals were reused at another school in 2023. I hope they have many more performances in the area. Sadly, it was that director’s last show as she and her husband moved away later that year. But it was a heck of a way to go out.