
Wood, PVC, foam, and battery-operated candles

These two streetlamps and the lamplighter were originally built for The Catholic High School of Baltimore‘s performance of “A Christmas Carol.”  The streetlamps are made of wood, foam, and PVC pipe.  The lights are the LEDs and flame shapes from battery-operated candles, rewired to a switch partway down the back of the streetlamp pole so the actor can grasp the streetlamp and “light” the flame.  The lamplighter is simply a wooden dowel rod with another rewired candle LED/flame shape, battery, and switch built into the piece.  I was pleasantly surprised to see these streetlamps, dressed in red bows, serving as decorations for the school’s Christmas concert.

If you have questions or comments about this or any of my other projects, feel free to send me a note via my Contact Me page.